In Process Coaching

In Process

Discover, articulate and integrate creative surplus. By cultivating a changing point of view, we can put language on intuition and allow for creativity to show up more fully in your world.


“Nitzan helped me to recalibrate my business philosophy during a well-timed sabbatical. As a coach, I appreciated his intuitive listening, incisive synthesis, and repeated emphasis on how to prioritize the best conditions for creativity- starting with me. Whether wading in the systemically complex or the ambiguity of in-development-abstractions, Nitzan could meet me at any conversational level. There’s a lot of freedom in a thought-partner like that.”

“Being the first time I have worked with a creative coach, I entered the space in an absolute state of unknownness as of what I wanted this experience to return as an outcome, and through thorough but gentle questioning and idea iteration, Nitzan has allowed me to discover mental pathways I had not been able to reach on my own, leading me to rethink the way I present myself to the world in every dimension. My vocabulary is broader, my practice is richer, my critical thinking is unparalleled. I could not recommend him (and any of his programs and workshops) enough. A gift to the self.”

“Through coaching, Nitzan helped me untangle some habits and ways of thinking that I had adopted through many years of running my own studio.”

“Nitzan is an extremely generous coach, working with him over the past year has transformed the way I understand myself professionally, and has given me new capabilities to bring creativity forward at work and into my life more generally.”

“Nitzan challenged me to break conditioned ways of thinking and opened the door to explore new ways of working and being in the world.”

“Working with Nitzan was incredible exercise in self creation and creativity.”

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